Stephanie Church

A Blog About Software Development And Life

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4 people working
Embracing the Freedom and Productivity of Remote Work

Embracing the changing landscape of work, remote work has emerged as a transformative choice, offering newfound freedom and productivity. Balancing the allure of hybrid models, the comfort of home-based work stands out, fostering heightened productivity and well-being.

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The Evolution and Advantages of React in Web Development

React.js, conceived by Facebook software engineer Jordan Walke in 2011, has transformed the web development landscape, surpassing jQuery as the leading web framework. Its intuitive approach to crafting dynamic web pages, along with features like components, JSX, Virtual DOM, class-based and functional components, and React Hooks, has propelled its popularity.

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From Quiet Beginnings to Empowered Coding: My Journey in Tech

Embarking on the path of coding, I've come to realize the transformative power of seemingly ordinary moments. From a high school memory of crafting a website for my father's business to the challenges of being among the few girls and the sole Latina in tech spaces.

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