Stephanie Church

Stephanie Church

Software Engineer
I'm a software engineer specialised in frontend and backend development for complex scalable web apps. I write about software development on my blog. Want to know how I may help your project? Check out my project portfolio and online resume.
picture of Stephanie Church

What I do

As a software engineer who is set to graduate in May 2024, I have been actively engaged in freelance work for the past year. My freelance projects have spanned various domains, allowing me to hone my skills in web development, application programming, and more. I specialize in creating dynamic and user-centric websites by leveraging technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks such as React. Additionally, my proficiency extends to backend development using technologies like Node.js, Express.js, and database management systems like MySQL and MongoDB. With a solid foundation in version control using Git and GitHub, I ensure efficient collaboration and code management. As I continue to learn and adapt, I am dedicated to crafting innovative software solutions that combine technical expertise with a keen eye for user experience. My commitment to excellence is evident in every project I undertake. Want to find out more about my experience? Check out my online resume and project portfolio.

Java & Bootstrap

As a software engineer, my experience with Java encompasses building robust and scalable applications. I've used Java to create both backend systems and desktop applications, leveraging its rich library ecosystem and mature toolset. >

Python & Django

I've harnessed Python's expressive syntax to build everything from web applications to machine learning Models. Python's extensive libraries, such as NumPy, Pandas, and Flask, have been invaluable in creating efficient and effective solutions. >

Javascript, React &, Node.js

I've utilized JavaScript alongside libraries like React to craft responsive and user-friendly web interfaces. I've also delved into server-side JavaScript using Node.js to build scalable backend services. With its asynchronous capabilities, JavaScript enables the development of real-time applications, and my experience with it spans both client-side and server-side paradigms.

Git & Github

By harnessing the power of Git and GitHub, I've embraced a more organized and efficient approach to software development, contributing to a thriving and collaborative coding ecosystem. My Github


PHP has been a pivotal tool for crafting dynamic and interactive web solutions. With PHP, I've harnessed its capabilities to develop web applications that seamlessly connect users and data. From crafting efficient backend logic to facilitating engaging user experiences, PHP's versatility and extensive community support have empowered me to build web projects that come to life with both functionality and aesthetics available. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor.


Whether working on frontend or backend projects using Node.js, I've leveraged npm to integrate third-party libraries, frameworks, and tools seamlessly into my applications. This streamlined approach not only accelerates development but also enhances code quality by incorporating well-tested and community-supported packages


I utilize HTML for the structure and organization of web content, allowing me to create headings, paragraphs, images, and links. CSS complements HTML by providing visual presentation and layout control, enabling me to style elements with colors, typography, and responsive design. With HTML's semantic elements and CSS's styling capabilities, I've crafted engaging and user-friendly web interfaces that offer both structured content and visually appealing designs.

Sass & LESS

With Sass and LESS, I can use variables, mixins, and nested rules to write cleaner and more organized stylesheets. This approach reduces repetition and promotes consistency, resulting in code that's easier to manage and adapt. By leveraging the power of these preprocessors, I've streamlined my styling process, enabling rapid development and easier maintenance.
